C&A deploys RFID technology in all French stores
After a three-year RFID technology trial run project in a German store, C&A deployed the inventory tracking and automatic advance delivery notification system to a French store.This project uses the checkpoint system providedRFIDhardware.
The global clothing retailer is headquartered in the Netherlands and began trial operation of RFID technology in five German stores in 2012. The company then installed the system in 100 stores in Germany. Recently, C&A installed RFID projects in 164 French stores and distribution centers in Mwaux. In addition to extending this system to French stores, C&A also began to label and track new product categories (men’s clothing, suits, and children’s clothing). According to Joachim Wilkens, head of C&A’s IT department, the RFID project in French stores is expected to be put into use in mid-2016.
(C&A employees need to use the Zebra MC3190Z handheld reader to read the tag ID and inventory the items in the store)
Wilkens said that the French project will be the final test before deployment in all European stores. He hopes that the French project can replicate the successful experience of the German project and serve as a test for the use of RFID technology in the distribution center. He also added that the company also intends to determine the effect of RFID technology on other types of goods.
The ultimate goal of C&A is to use RFID technology to improve the accuracy of inventory data and ensure that there are goods on the shelves, so that consumers can find the right color, size and style of goods. In the German project, the label is attached at the manufacturing end. After the label is read at the factory end, the Creativesystems software will issue a shipping reminder. After the store employees receive the goods, they will use Zebra’s MC3190-Z handheld reader to read the tag ID and send this information to the Checkpoint OAT basic kit software to update the store’s inventory status.
The system has proven to improve inventory accuracy, reduce stock outs and reduce the time employees spend on inventory counting. Therefore, the company hopes to install this technology in French stores. In Germany, C&A store employees will receive the advance delivery notice, while in France it is received by the distribution center. Therefore, the methods of system deployment in the two places are different. Checkpoint software in French stores is deployed on the cloud, so C&A administrators can view the inventory status of stores and distribution centers in different locations. The label is also attached to the manufacturing side, but the advance shipping notice is issued from the distribution center. This notification message is generated by C&A’s own ERP software based on the RFID data in the OAT suite.
(Exclusive manuscript of rfid world network, please indicate the source author for reprinting!)