Tyco establishes a technology experience center in Walmart
Tyco Retail Solutions has established retail experience centers around the world to allow customers to experience new technologies including radio frequency identification solutions. This week, the company opened an experience center in the Bentonville store of its largest customer Wal-Mart. The experience center is designed for Wal-Mart executives and other employees.
Tyco uses the Electronic Commodity Anti-theft System (EAS), provides a variety of security and item-level tracking technologies, and uses an UHF RFID system to read items in store warehouses, display cabinets, cashiers, and exits. At present, Tyco has established 14 experience centers around the world.
Eric White, head of the Tyco retail solution Wal-Mart project, said that this is the first experience center designed for a single customer. If the project runs well, it may continue to promote this model in the future. This simulated store with an area of 5,000 square feet showed customers solutions for checkout areas, warehouses, and meeting rooms. White said he hopes Wal-Mart’s Bentonville store executives can visit the experience center.
In this experience center, Tyco demonstrated all technologies including store warehouses, checkout counters, and export RFID systems, EAS solutions, camera systems, and passenger flow counters.
White added,RFIDIt can also help inventory tracking to ensure that items are not taken out. Due to the functions of RFID in item identification and location identification, Tyco believes that RFID has more advantages than EAS.
Tyco and Wal-Mart have cooperated in RFID technology for 10 years, and it will continue to be popular in the future. At present, the utilization rate of the EAS system in Wal-Mart stores has reached 100%, and RFID will provide data that Wal-Mart may need. The purpose of the retail experience center is to help Wal-Mart employees understand how to obtain more valuable information from the existing loss prevention or item-level tracking system and ultimately improve efficiency and store profits.
At present, Tyco is also negotiating with representatives of Wal-Mart University’s product suppliers. They also showed a strong interest in this experience center. They want to understand the use of RFID tags and the benefits they bring.
White said: “The retail world is changing rapidly. Consumers have started shopping online, and retailers have also established omni-channel sales models to better sell their products. Wal-Mart has also begun to open smaller stores such as Wal-Mart Express stores. Technology One It is improving every day, and safety is more important than ever. It is almost impossible for retail stores to keep up with technological trends without outside help. So Tyco created an experience center.”
White added: “We will provide Wal-Mart with some solutions to help achieve the goals of productivity, sales increase and loss reduction. Tyco will provide Wal-Mart with the latest RFID and other technologies.”
(Exclusive manuscript of rfid world network, please indicate the source author for reprinting!)