RFID smart cabinet helps hospitals solve the problem of easy loss of valuable consumables

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In modern surgery, high-value medical consumables are widely used in clinical practice. Because of their high price and wide variety, this kind of consumables also brings a lot of trouble to the hospital in terms of management.

There are many types of medical consumables. The traditional consumable management method is mainly in the form of manual recording. The warehouse clerk registers the order, application, acceptance, request, and use of the materials on the spot, and it is impossible to realize the whole process of recording and tracking the consumables. And in the actual implementation, usually only afterwards supervision is done, and the management effect is not good.

Some high-value consumables are small in size and not easy to control. The valuable consumables are prone to loss of consumables and dripping. Once lost, it will cause great losses to the hospital.

The loss of valuable consumables will not only bring economic losses to the hospital, but also the poor management of certain special drugs (such as morphine, etc.) will cause bad social impacts. Therefore, it is necessary for hospitals to use smart cabinets to manage consumables.

The full name of the smart cabinet is the smart storage cabinet for high-value consumables. It can locate the medical supplies in the area of ​​the cabinet by installing RFID electronic tags on each medical device management cabinet, combining with RFID tag scanning equipment and supporting antennas, and realize the physical entry and exit of medical supplies. , Automatic inventory, full-process monitoring, fingerprint identification and other functions.

The smart cabinet solves the problem of easy loss of consumables in the following ways.

1. Authority management

It is equipped with fingerprint, IC card, image recognition and other identification forms, and has one, two, and three levels of authority control to strictly control the access to consumables.

2. Real-time monitoring

24-hour uninterrupted full-process video monitoring, data is saved to the hard disk/cloud, and wireless technology is used to monitor whether the consumables are normal and compliant. If they are not in compliance, immediately notify the system.

3. Full traceability

All high-value consumables are taken according to the patient, and the usage information and patient information are recorded by the management system. It can record the consumable name, user, department, use quantity, batch number, location, patient, manufacturer and other information. It can be traced through the patient or through the product line. The system supports traceability management in multiple modes.

At present, it is necessary for hospitals to use high-value medical consumables cabinets. High-value consumables cabinets can effectively reduce the loss of high-value consumables, thereby effectively reducing the cost of medical services and realizing the economic benefits of the hospital.



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