Handheld PDA is used for product error-proof traceability solution

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Hand-held PDA is the abbreviation of Personal Digital Assistant, which literally means “personal digital assistant”. In the early applications, this handheld device mainly concentrated functions such as computing, telephone, fax and network. It can be used to manage personal information (such as address books, plans, etc.), browse the Internet, send and receive E-mail, send faxes, and can also be used as a mobile phone.

Handheld PDA is used for product error-proof traceability solution

Handheld PDA is used for product error-proof traceability solution

 PDA handheld terminal NFC reads:

It mainly includes three parts: basic data management, error prevention management, and traceability management. The overall goal is to establish a comprehensive, integrated, advanced, and stable quality error prevention system, monitor the assembly of key parts, and prevent human factors from causing process missed installations. .

Can standardize the product operation process, and strictly require the operation according to the product process. Solve the problems of lack of assembly operation guidance, timely correction of errors, and timely termination of serious errors in the production and assembly process, so as to achieve real-time monitoring, timely response, and immediate resolution.

The error-proofing traceability system needs to adopt a unified information method, by installing one-dimensional/two-dimensional bar code, RFID and other information records on the assembly line, through real-time scanning and comparison of PDA handheld terminals, and identifying whether the assembly meets the requirements through an all-in-one machine or a touch screen , And send the real-time data during the assembly process to the system record server.

Collect key information and associate door panel information to establish a unified key part barcode rule. The key part barcode can be traced through the PDA handheld terminal to know which supplier, production date, production batch and other information the key part is. This is convenient for batch management and later quality traceability. All key information related to it can be traced through any key barcode information.



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