Dingchuang Hengda RFID smart conference sign-in system solution

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Beijing Dingchuang Hengda Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. designed an RFID smart meeting sign-in system based on the cumbersome sign-in situation of the original meeting, difficult to save, large staff records, and prone to missed and incorrect recordings, using RFID technology.

This system is for meeting sign-in, statistics, report and other functions. This system can simultaneously collect and process different personnel information received by multiple sign-in machines in real time. Realize personnel login, identity authentication, statistics, query, retrieval, etc. The report results are printed out in Chinese characters. The sign-in status is displayed on various screens in real time. At the entrance of the conference, if the participant does not have a sign-in card, the participant will be issued a sign-in card. If the participant holds a sign-in card, the system automatically reads the participant’s personal information and displays it on the laptop at the sign-in place. After the participant has forgotten to bring the card, the staff can sign in with a manual keyboard in the background. Real-time statistics on the attendance of the meeting, the attendance of each member of the meeting and other information can be printed out to facilitate the organization and management of the meeting.

System composition

The system consists of the following four subsystems:

  System settings: Set the basic information of the attendees and set the meeting information such as the type of meeting and the nature of the meeting.

Card Issuing System: The process of issuing attendance certificates (sign-in cards) to attendees, encrypt and initialize the attendance certificates (sign-in cards), verify the identity of lost certificates and reissue the cards, and freeze the lost cards.

Sign-in system: dynamic display of the number of attendees, real-time display of unattended persons.

Statistical report system: Statistics, analysis, and report generation of conference personnel.

system structure

System functions

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Hardware inventory

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System Features

  The system can distinguish 4 different types of sign-in cards at the same time for each meeting, and accept sign-in of 4 different identities of committee members, which are analyzed and processed statistically in real time respectively.

The system has a good man-machine interface, the non-contact IC card is not restricted by the direction, and the sign-in card can be recognized by swiping both the front and back

The sensor and system of this system have self-checking, error correction, monitoring and other functions.



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