China’s intelligent transportation information system integration plan

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In the past 10 years, the rapid development of various undertakings of the national economy has brought unprecedented pressure to various modes of transportation. The development of the transportation industry cannot be separated from the revolutionary changes brought about by information technology. At present, my country’s intelligent transportation system mostly realizes its intelligent functions within its own system, but lacks the integration of the entire transportation industry information system to better integrate with international standards.

However, what this proposal intends to clarify is only the necessity and possibility of realizing the large-scale integration of my country’s intelligent transportation information system, and proposes a solution.

The first section NTCIP concept

In order to pay attention to the development of the international standards of my country’s intelligent transportation system, it is necessary to briefly understand the rising internationally, and some people in our country have begun to pay attention to the so-called “Intelligent Transportation System National Transport Communication Protocol”, that is, the concept of NTCIP. The importance of NTCIP is that, just like the Internet TCP/IP protocol, it is likely to become the Internet in the international transportation industry. Through the standardization and integration of information systems, the operation, control, management and guidance of all travel information and transportation information services of the entire transportation system are realized.

Section 2 General considerations for my country’s intelligent transportation information system

2.1 The overall framework of my country’s ITS information system integration

The realization of the goal of high-efficiency ITS operations in the United States depends to a large extent on the nationwide and integrated transportation information network. The information that this information network needs to collect includes: the natural state of the transportation infrastructure, use and maintenance files, environmental conditions, weather conditions and other information.

The status quo of the development of ITS in our country, especially in terms of system integration and field equipment product development, has not yet taken substantial steps to be in line with the international NTCIP standards.

Even if the United States first developed the NTCIP standard based on urban roads, intercity highways, and railways, it is still not perfect after all. Some standards are still under development. The NTCIP standard is not implemented in the entire transportation field, and it is not yet in the industry. Internet. Whether our country can independently and innovatively develop its own NTCIP standard, in the entire transportation field from software to hardware, from the two aspects of Center to Center and Center to Field to plan our system, is a question worthy of consideration. The following figure is based on the current situation of my country’s intelligent transportation system. It is planned to implement my country’s intelligent transportation information system integration plan in two steps: 1) The solution under the condition that the conditions do not meet the NTCIP standard The current situation of the transportation system); 2) The solution when the conditions are met to meet the NTCIP standard (waiting for the basic formulation of the NTCIP standard for ITS in my country).

Figure 1A: my country’s intelligent transportation information system in the case of non-NTCIP, the overall planning framework structure of the large integrated platform

In the solution of 1), a data exchange platform is necessary. According to the overall classification of the NTCIP standard, all projects of the entire transportation system can be divided into two parts: “Center to Center” and Center to Field.

When planning the structure of my country’s intelligent transportation information system integration platform, this article intends to divide the “center-center” integration platform into four levels, namely: national-level centers, ministries-level centers, professional-level centers, and hub-level centers.

The functions of the four-level integration center platform can be initially defined as:

1) The national and ministerial-level central integration platform, whose functions only play a role in the centralization, sharing, display, and supervision of the information of various modes of transportation (mainly the integration of general information in Figure 1);

2) The functions of the professional-level central integration platform play the role of information concentration, sharing, display, operation management, specific operation, monitoring, command and dispatch and actual execution (the integrated content at this level is more comprehensive and important, including not only general Information integration also includes the operation and management information integration of various transportation industries, and more importantly, includes the call of important functional modules such as the command and dispatch of on-site transportation tools and equipment within each transportation industry, which has a real monitoring and control function in the actual sense);

3) The functions of the hub-level integrated platform play the role of information concentration, sharing, display, and operation management of various transportation modes (mainly combining general information integration and industry operation management information integration).

The definition of these four levels of functions provides us with the responsibilities of the integration centers at all levels, which is also in line with the current status of my country’s current management and operation system, and does not disrupt the command and dispatch of the core functional modules in the original professional systems of various modes of transportation. , The right to operate and the right to operate, will not cause mutual interference and chaos, or even infringe on each other’s interests, so that the functions of each transportation system are independent; at the same time, various transportation methods should be provided to the leaders and leaders of relevant departments at all levels. The information that the relevant personnel know is shared with each other in order to make correct command and supervision; and correctly handle various emergency social emergencies, such as the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai, and the huge mudslides and floods in Zhouqu, Gansu. Disaster damage to transportation facilities, sudden terrorist incidents and attacks, as well as the advent of war, etc., all need to go to the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and down to leaders at all levels to grasp the overall situation of various transportation methods. In order to properly command and handle. And this part of the information should be transparently shared to facilitate the integration of systems at all levels, without the obstacles of different types of traffic. Such a system has both information sharing (the means of network realization is the external network), and the function is independent (the means of network realization is the internal network or private network), and achieves cross-system, cross-department, cross-industry, and cross-regional Comprehensive integration has truly played the role of the core feature of ITS construction. It should be a big integration solution that has the best of both worlds!

From the above analysis, the necessity and feasibility of the large-scale integration scheme of China’s national intelligent transportation information system are clear. It can also be said that it is a Chinese-style NTCIP, or C-NTCIP. This large integration scheme can become the basic framework structure of the C-NTCIP specification. The detailed work of C-NTCIP can be completed by departments and professions. It is recommended that the relevant national departments organize and implement it.

In the system structure shown in Figure 1A, the data exchange between C2C and C2F relies on the middleware in a module called “data exchange platform” to realize the difference in data interface, data structure and protocol specification to obtain data communication. ; But if we use the NTCIP specification to unify the inconvenience caused by the differences in the interface, data format and protocol specifications between the C2C and C2F devices, then the trouble of the non-NTCIP system can be solved together, and the devices can be Carry out direct communication! As shown in Figure 1B, this is our ultimate goal for the application of the NTCIP standard, which is in line with international standards in China, in the field of intelligent transportation in my country.

Figure 1B: my country’s intelligent transportation system conforms to the overall structure of the NTCIP integrated platform

It should be particularly pointed out here that in the actual project, when the internal network and the external network shown in Figure 1A and 1B are formed, not only the internal and external networks can be formed according to the needs, but also more physical networks can be formed. Separate the network to meet different needs. For example, a roadside display screen may display some polite words (extranet information), but it may also display some road traffic control information (intranet information). In this case, two intranets (intranet 1 And an internal network 2) and an external network. All connections on Intranet 1 are purely intranet information servers, while Intranet 2 is connected to a server that may be compatible with both intranet and extranet information. Then the on-site control computer of the display screen can be configured with dual network cards.

2.2 Engineering content of intelligent transportation information system

Informationization is currently the goal pursued by all walks of life. To put it bluntly, it is to build a transportation system with a comprehensive electronic information system (CEIS—Colligate Electronics Information System). Informatization is the goal or purpose, and intelligence is the means and technical guarantee to achieve this goal. The two are inseparable aspects of the same thing. Abstractly speaking, it is to build an “information building”. There are different “information buildings” for different industries.

As can be seen from the figure below, the foundation of the “information building” supporting this transportation industry is the computer network platform; the main engineering of the “building” is the conventional safety facility system, general information facility system, transportation special facility system, and transportation application information System and computer room engineering; and the top layer is the software and hardware system integration platform-operation management platform, that is, the command and dispatch center (or central integrated system). We can define them as basic projects, core projects, main projects and highlight projects according to their functions and roles in the entire “information building”.

Figure 2: The main content of the intelligent transportation information system project

According to Figures 1A and 1B, a network platform hardware system construction plan can be made for the core project of my country’s intelligent transportation information system, taking the transportation hub-level integration center as an example, as shown in Figures 3A and 3B below.

What should be explained here is that the convergence layer in the transportation hub is located in the sub-centers of each specialized transportation level; in addition to the national-level centers, the hierarchical status of the integration centers at other levels can be changed accordingly as needed.

In particular, it should be noted that the bandwidth of each network layer and the design of the core number of the transmission medium optical cable indicated in Figures 3A and 3B are only temporary indicators and can be changed and adjusted according to the actual needs and special requirements of each project in the future.

  Concluding remarks

In general, the products of my country’s intelligent transportation system are basically in a state of research and production in their own way. The reason is that the author believes that the main reason is that the country does not have a unified intelligent transportation communication protocol specification or standard. , Leading to the formation of independent research and production situations for research institutes, companies and manufacturers engaged in the intelligent transportation industry. The comprehensive integration of the information of various transportation systems is a major difficulty at present. To this end, the author clarified the idea of ​​formulating my country’s own intelligent transportation communication protocol standard (C-NTCIP) as soon as possible, and specifically proposed the basic framework structure of the C-NTCIP standard and the network networking plan for specific project implementation. Realize a large-scale integration scheme of information systems for all means of transportation in the entire transportation field.



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