Application of RFID Technology in Tool Management System

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 system introduction

Now, more and more manufacturing companies are trying to improve the management of tools, explore new tool management models or management methods, and try to greatly improve the performance and life of tools through effective tool management, reduce manufacturing costs, and increase productivity and Processing quality. In inventory management, there are many types of tools, huge quantities, and frequent warehousing operations. Without effective and reliable identification technology, inventory management can easily fall into chaos.

The identification of traditional tool management mainly relies on barcode, lettering or code disk on the tool holder to identify, manually enter information, and track, measure, and record the tool. With the improvement of processing efficiency and automation, and more frequent tool changes, this traditional way of manually tracking tool information has been difficult to meet the current processing requirements for tool information. Therefore, the tool itself or the tool user needs an automated tool identification system, and the tool RFID electronic tag came into being. The meaning is to identify and monitor the tools to ensure that there are suitable tools in the machining process.

  System principle

Install RFID readers in each room (maintenance room, warehouse, workshop, production line). When the tool with RFID tag moves to this area, the RFID tag is read through the reader and the working status and position of the tool are updated in time. System terminal.

Tool registration: Every new tool is sent to the warehouse with an RFID tag, passed

The RFID tag issuer binds the tag ID to the detailed information of the tool, such as name, model, warehouse location, etc. The informationized record location replaces the original manual record, and you can choose to print out a self-adhesive label. Posted on the surface of the RFID electronic tag for visual verification;

Machine tool equipment number: Install a fixed reader on each working machine tool. Each reader has a number and is bound to the machine position. Each time the reader reads the tool tag, the tool position status will be updated in the database ;

Tool out of library: a set of RFID channel reading system is installed at the door of the tool storeroom. When the tool passes through the door, the reader reads the tool tag and marks “out of library” in the database corresponding to the tag or chooses to manually click on the screen to confirm the status;

Tool on the machine: Before the tool is on the machine, read the electronic tag of the tool through the reader on the machine tool, and write the reader number (that is, the machine position information) in the database corresponding to the tag. If you query a certain tool, you can directly Enter the tool number in the system to see where the tool is, what it is doing, when to start working, and it is accurate to each machine tool; or you can choose to use an RFID handheld reader to read the tool RFID tag information, and use the handheld to read The tool status is updated to the application system;

Disconnect the tool: After the tool is finished working, scan the electronic label with the reader, and the system will mark “work completed” in the database corresponding to the label or choose to manually click on the screen to confirm the status;

Tool returning to the library: When the tool enters the library through the door, the tag is read through the RFID channel reading system, and the system will mark “Inventory” in the database corresponding to the tag or choose to manually click on the screen to confirm the status;

Tool maintenance: If the offline tool is damaged and needs to be repaired, when entering the entrance of the repair room, the tag will be read by the RFID channel reading system, and the staff will be prompted to enter the necessary repair information and the estimated repair time;

Tool storage: The staff can use the handheld reader to regularly stock the tool, read the tool label information at close range, and compare it with the back-end management system, and manually check whether the variety and quantity of the tools in the location are consistent with the back-end system. If they are inconsistent, the system information can be corrected on site. This inventory method can shorten the enterprise inventory time by 85%, greatly improve work efficiency, and at the same time increase the inventory cycle.

  System functions

Chuangyi Technology’s RFID tool management system realizes the supervision of various tools in the user’s factory through RFID technology:

Working status: standby status, maintenance status, in use status

Physical location: mold repair room, warehouse, workshop, production line

The main components of the system

RFID electronic label

RFID fixed reader

RFID handheld reader

Chuangyi RFID system software (optional)

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