Detecting IOT RFID animal identification and tracking management

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Program features

1. Use implantable RFID electronic tag technology to ensure that the identified animal is not replaced

2. RFID electronic tags can be read and written repeatedly, and the service life can reach more than 20 years

3. Disposable medical professional syringe, open (butterfly) handle and elongated steel needle design

4. The reading and writing device can store data by itself, or transmit to mobile phone/database via Bluetooth/wireless

5. Globally unique ID identification number, non-copyable, high security

6. The product is safe and reliable, and easy to operate. It is used for identification and tracking of cattle/horses/pets/wild animals/rare waterfowls, etc.

working principle

1. Implant RFID electronic tags in the animals that need to be identified, and establish identity information

2. The user or manager is equipped with a dedicated handheld RFID reader, which can identify and read the RFID electronic tags in the animal body

3. A dedicated handheld RFID reader can provide a variety of data transmission: it can directly store the read electronic tag information inside the body and transmit it to the computer via a data cable, or it can transmit the read data to a smart phone via Bluetooth , Or directly transmit the read data to the background database via wireless network (WIFI, 3G)

system structure

Detecting IOT RFID animal identification and tracking management

 Animal identification and tracking (system architecture diagram 1)

Detecting IOT RFID animal identification and tracking management

Animal identification and tracking (system architecture diagram 2)


Detecting IOT RFID animal identification and tracking management

Animal identification and tracking (label implantation site map)

Detecting IOT RFID animal identification and tracking management

 Animal identification and tracking (label scanning scene map)



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