Wanquan RFID Jewelry Management Technology Solution

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In the jewelry industry, there is the problem of inventory at the exclusive counter of specialty stores. As the jewelry industry, because the products sold every day are relatively high-value jewellery, the daily inventory of goods is very important, and the inventory of goods is very important. , Can understand the sales of various types of products in time, help to complete the company’s digital analysis of the market acceptance of various products, and can also check the number of jewelry, reduce product loss, management errors and other issues. However, the current jewellery inventory work is basically done manually, and the actual situation of jewellery products is small in size and large in quantity. A large number of products are counted by a small number of sales personnel, which causes the actual situation that the inventory work is time-consuming and huge. Statistics show that it takes an average of five hours for an ordinary jewelry store to take an inventory of the products in the store. The problem of inventory efficiency has caused each jewelry store to be unable to inventory products on a daily or weekly basis. In response to the above problems, Shenzhen Wanquan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has launched a set of technical solutions based on RFID technology for inventory management of bead trays.

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With the rapid development and application of RFID technology, RFID electronic and information management of jewelry is an important means to strengthen inventory management, sales management, and improve management efficiency. The electronic and informatization of jewelry management will greatly improve the work efficiency of jewelry companies (inventory, inventory, storage and exit), reduce theft rate, increase capital turnover, enhance corporate image, and provide more effective advertising, VIP customer management, etc. Value-added services.

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1. RFID technology suitable for jewelry management

The frequency coverage of RFID identification technology is very wide, and the applied frequencies range from low frequency, high frequency, UHF UHF band of 915MHz, and 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz microwaves. The recognition distance ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters, and the price varies. For the specific applications of the jewelry industry, jewelry inventory and other management, based on the past project application experience of Shenzhen Wanquan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., it is recommended to use HF high frequency or UHF ultra high frequency solutions:

The label adopts 13.56MHZ HF band label with 2KB capacity in accordance with ISO15693 standard, non-recyclable or recyclable type.

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Or the label adopts the UHF band label of 860-960 MHz MHZ with 96Bits capacity in accordance with EPCclass1 Gen2 standard, non-recyclable or recyclable type.

2. Comparison table of barcode, HF high frequency, UHF UHF RFID in application

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Three, system composition

This system is composed of RFID electronic tags corresponding to individual jewelry individuals, electronic tag issuing equipment, on-site inventory reading and writing equipment, computers, control and system management software, and related network link equipment and network data interfaces.

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System structure schematic

Four, RFID equipment selection:

The integration of the hardware system of the RFID jewelry management system (the key is the choice of the reader), according to the actual application requirements of the current jewelry store, the customer puts forward the following requirements for the required reader:

(1). Fixed reader: requires high power, good anti-collision performance, low power consumption, fast and stable reading speed.

(2) Handheld machine: fast and stable reading and writing speed, used for jewelry quotation.
(3) Countertop reader: used for data entry and collection of electronic tags.
(4) The safety of jewelry should be guaranteed.
(5) Inventory management should be timely and effective.
(6) All readers must be reasonably priced.

1. The main problems of reading and writing equipment on the market are mainly reflected in:

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(1) The anti-collision performance of the fixed reader/writer under test is poor. For example, the readers under test are required to be able to analyze 150 electronic tags stably, but none of them achieve the desired results. Even if the performance requirements are reduced to 100 or even 75, the readers still cannot achieve stable resolution.
(2) The reading effect of the tested handhelds is unstable, and some have no operating system, which is extremely inconvenient for secondary development or use. Mobile readers are slow in reading and reading and writing data. In the application of RFID jewelry management system, there are more data information in the electronic tag. Therefore, the speed and stability of the data in the electronic tag read by the reader are required to be high, whether it is a handheld device or a mobile CF interface. The solution of connecting the reader to the PDA is feasible in principle, but the speed of reading and writing data of the various handhelds or CF interface readers under test cannot meet the expectations of the project team. At the same time, when used on the PDA platform , CF interface readers under test often cause the PDA operating system to crash.
(3) The tested tabletop reader/writer is slow to read and write data, and is sensitive to the discreteness of the card, and sometimes it may not even be read.
(4) When managing at the counter of the store, the jewelry taken out for display for the customer cannot be effectively monitored and protected.
(5) The inventory management efficiency is not high, and accurate information of the inventory cannot be obtained in real time.
(6) The price of each reader under test is high, and the power consumption is large.
Our company proposes solutions based on the following readers, handsets and various corresponding antennas for the needs of jewelry management. These devices have the following characteristics:

2. HF UHF RFID jewelry management system equipment composition

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Five, example operation:

In order to further improve security measures, a famous foreign jewelry manufacturer adopted RFID equipment in its stores and warehouses, and combined it with the company’s original ERP system, and achieved good management results.

(1). Single piece of jewelry management: equip each piece of jewelry with an RFID tag, and enter the key information such as the material and weight of this piece of jewelry in the tag in advance.

(2). In employee management: each employee is issued an employee card, which is used to record the employee’s behavior in the main server and ensure that the employee does not trigger an alarm when touching the jewelry.

(3). Jewelry display: According to the actual situation on site, RFID antennas are arranged in various display areas such as original showcases, display trays, and display racks in the store. For example, if employees need to put jewelry in a display tray for customers to watch, they can take the jewelry out of the RFID smart display cabinet and put it in the RFID smart display tray for a one-minute display. Before this piece of jewelry is put back into the smart display cabinet, the antenna installed in the center of the smart display tray will monitor the tray. Once the jewelry leaves the safe area, an alarm will be triggered to remind the central management staff, showcase employees and security guards to pay attention to the problematic area immediately.

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(4). During the operation of sales, transfer, delivery or safe replenishment: if the operation is not handled according to the normal procedures set in advance, the jewelry label or the employee’s work card is not registered in the corresponding RFID intelligent management link, then Any abnormal jewelry handling behavior will trigger an alarm.

(5). At the end of every day, when the inventory is taken, the warehousing inventory program in the RFID jewelry management application will be activated: the employee first puts each tray of jewelry on the smart inventory table equipped with RFID equipment, and the RFID equipment Automatic identification is performed to confirm the specific quantity and condition of each plate of jewelry, and each plate of jewelry that has completed the registration record is put into the safe by the clerk. The system uses a dedicated RFID smart antenna installed in front of the safe door to ensure that the goods have been returned to the safe, and confirms that the jewelry transfer has been completed before the safe door is closed and the system is cut off. At the same time, employees who perform specific operations must also swipe their personal employee cards to ensure that the responsibility is fulfilled.

(6) Humanized care for VIP customers to improve customer satisfaction.

(7) The asset tracking application can also monitor the transfer and delivery of goods between stores, as well as customer returns and other services through RFID readers.

Antennas for each of the above links, such as smart showcase antennas, smart display rack antennas, smart inventory table antennas, and safe smart cabinet door antennas, all need to be completed with RFID automatic tuning units. Because these areas where antennas are used are all displayed in jewelry stores before the introduction of RFID, if ordinary RFID antennas are used, they cannot match various display areas with different shapes; if they are customized according to each area, they will be brought To solve problems such as high cost and inconvenient installation, technicians are required to debug on-site according to the site conditions. In this way, if the ordinary RFID antenna is used, the RFID management system will be ineffective, the operation cost will be high, the construction will be difficult, the cost will be high, and the cycle will be long, and it will bring a lot of inconvenience to the normal business of the jewelry store. In summary, in the management of the entire jewelry store, we all advocate using the RFID automatic tuning unit to cooperate with the reader to complete the operation of the whole set of hardware equipment, in order to achieve the perfect cooperation with the software, and truly realize the use of the RFID system to improve jewelry Effectiveness of management.

6. Implementation results:

After using our company’s Wanquan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. series of RFID readers, handhelds and automatic tuning, the user feedback of the RFID jewelry management system is as follows:

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(1) The accuracy of reading jewelry labels is high, which avoids the loss of jewelry manufacturers caused by repeated reading, misreading, or failure to read;
(2) Improve the efficiency of jewellery quotation: using the RFID handset solution, the transition from traditional dedicated and professional quotation to ordinary employees can make quotations, which greatly saves the human resources of various jewelry companies and reduces the risk of misjudgment;
(3) A variety of tabletop readers can not only meet the reading speed, but also choose different interfaces according to the actual situation, which is convenient and practical;
(4) Realize intelligent sales management, which greatly guarantees the safety of jewelry sold in stores; using smart showcases, it can automatically identify the number of jewelry in the store showcases, reflect the sales situation at that time in real time, and clarify the specific operators and operators who display and return the jewelry. Time provides great convenience for standardized management planning;
(5) The reading speed of jewelry labels has been significantly improved, which greatly speeds up jewelry inventory and reduces the loss of theft: for example, the inventory time for 6000 pieces of jewelry has been reduced from 4 working days to 0.5 working days;
(6) The multi-interface reader/writer is connected to multiple antennas, working in time sharing and switching operations in time sharing, which greatly reduces the hardware cost of the entire system;

The combination of RFID solutions and asset tracking applications not only solves the worries of jewelers, but also provides convenience for them to better expand their business. For example, the RFID solution can be combined with the on-screen report function, which can not only display the real-time situation of the goods in the store, but also display the introduction of the jewelry being displayed. The RFID jewelry management system can capture and record information such as customers’ taste and preference for jewelry; it can also save the consumption habits of VIP customers in files to provide them with more considerate services and help maintain customer loyalty. Stores can quickly determine the types of products that are most popular with customers in each store, provide reliable references for the business team to order new products from suppliers, choose which product series to introduce, and reduce inventory turnover time. The RFID jewelry management solution can also help the management of jewelry stores to track the sales of goods and the activities of employees in the store, and can adjust their performance bonuses according to the efforts of employees to promote products to new and old customers. Therefore, the operating results of the RFID jewelry management system have been widely praised by jewelers at home and abroad.

Shenzhen Wanquan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 0755-82426775
Fax: 0755-82403457
Mailbox: [email protected]



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