PDA data collection solution for apparel enterprises
The informatization of product distribution of apparel companies is still in its infancy. To realize apparel logistics from traditional to modern, PDA data collection is the top priority. With its mobility, flexibility, convenience, speed, and accuracy, it can be used in Clothing companies play a unique role in the operations of receiving, packing, shipping, and inventory. Compared with traditional operations, it significantly improves the overall operation efficiency, reduces the probability of data errors, and reduces management costs.
Inventory data collection
More than onePDACarry out collaborative work and complete inventory work together.
The data format of data collection can be defined by yourself, for example, it can be “bar code, quantity”, or “box number, bar code, quantity”, and the spacer can also be defined as separated by “,” or separated by TAB And so on, to meet the docking with different distribution systems.
The process is as follows:
Inbound data collection
Inbound data collection mainly replaces the traditional scanning table work. In the past, after the arrival of the company, the company first pulled a box (or a bag) of goods to the scanning table, and connected the desktop with a handheld scanner to perform unpacking and scanning. Library. The new warehousing data collection scheme will use PDA mobile work. The warehouse covers WIFI signals and the PDA is directly connected to the distribution system. The warehousing data collection can be carried out anytime and anywhere. Compared with the traditional, at least 10%~15% can be saved. the cost of.
The process is as follows:
Outbound data collection
The scheme of outbound data collection is similar to that of inbound data collection.
The process is as follows: