RFID electronic work ticket solution

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China is a major textile country in the world. It has concentrated a large number of low- and medium-end clothing suppliers in the world. With tens of thousands, the number of domestic industrial workers engaged in the clothing industry is a very large number. In this field, there are many large and small clothing companies, and the information construction of the clothing industry is uneven, but it can be divided into the following stages:

1. Early stage (manual calculation)

2. Stamping stage (paper label stage)

3. Semi-computerized stage (barcode meter labeling stage)

4 Automation stage (electronic work ticket stage)

RFID electronic work ticket solution

Second, the advantages of electronic work tickets

1. High real-time

2. Safe and stable

3. Upcoming and releasing, information sharing

4. Analyze the flow and solve the blockage

5. Cost savings

6. Improve management: The company’s information flow will bring management improvement.

7. Recycling, green and environmental protection

8. Solved the data collection problem of the software: All software has its own advantages, but they all have the same shortcomings: the correct result can be guaranteed only when the original data is correct.

Three, work flow

1. When cutting and bundling, it is equipped with a smart material card to replace the barcode work ticket or the first sign.

2. Install a card reader with dual reading heads on each sewing machine or the post where piece counting is required.

3. When the employee is working, swipe down the card reader, the reader displays the employee number, and swipe down the material card after each tie, and the reader displays the number of each tie, the process completed by the employee, color and size, etc.

4. The system automatically records which work orders employees are doing during which time periods and how long each process takes.

5. When the quality controller finds the defective product, he only needs to press the card reader, and the system automatically records which employee has the defective product in which process and how many quantities.

Four, system characteristics

(1) Operation: automatic, simple and intuitive computer automatically collects production data; simple operation process, does not change traditional operating habits, cutting beds and parking spaces do not require special training; through the terminal display screen, you can directly view the piece count and wages of the day or a specified day condition;

(2) Management: standardized, fair and accurate piece counting, efficiency and transparency, effectively reducing employee turnover; solving production bottlenecks and improving production efficiency; process allocation, responsibility to people, effectively reducing defective products and reducing repair rates;

(3) Information: accurate, real-time, real-time monitoring of production bottlenecks and parking space status; optimizing the production process and shortening the product cycle; precise calculation of production capacity and life cycle; automatic generation of intelligent analysis reports;

(4) Cost: saving and environmental protection, completely eliminating traditional work tickets (Fei Zai, Fei Zai), saving costs; reducing manpower and saving wages; accurate time-sharing wage statistics, effectively eliminating the problem of employee hiding work tickets;

5. System implementation benefits

(1) Real-time discovery of production bottlenecks, real-time monitoring of the production capacity of each parking space, and balance the production line production capacity.

(2) Real-time automatic statistics of worker production progress and automatic statistics of worker output and working hours of each process.

(3) It can completely prevent workers from falsely reporting output, accurate piece counting, and reasonable and fair wages.

(4) Save time for employees to cut work tickets, no need for specialized statistics personnel, reduce personnel, and save wage costs.

(5) RFID card can be reused for more than 10 years, saving the cost of work ticket paper and printing work ticket.

(6) Process improvement, instantly discover which employee is doing the same process faster, and it takes a few minutes and seconds. Compared with others, individual small improvements become improvements for all employees, and the company’s production efficiency is continuously improved and optimized. .

(7) Product quality control is more complete, with immediate feedback of defective product information on the production line, and timely control and adjustment.

RFID electronic work ticket solution

(1) Data can be stored and work offline.

(2) Built-in wireless transmitting and receiving module, wireless network wiring. With 232 interface, barcode gun can be connected.

(3) Built-in menu function, you can customize the display content, such as employee name, output of the day, current model number, tie number, process name, color, size, quantity, etc.

(4) The employee selects the production process in the reader menu, and the transfer is quick.

(5) Double reading heads are used to more accurately count the effective working time.

(6)Soft keyboard, users can customize the function of function keys and customize the appearance of the keyboard.



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