RFID electronic wristband positioning management solution

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I. Overview

This system is specifically designed for prisons, detention centers, labor camps, compulsory drug rehabilitation centers, nursing centers for the mentally handicapped, and other fields. It provides products and solutions for the identification, naming, positioning and tracking of people and objects based on the Internet of Things RFID technology. Precise positioning is based on the original base station method, and at the same time the introduction of the second-level positioning concept with less positioning error, which greatly enhances the reliability and implementation of the system.

RFID electronic wristband positioning management solution for detainees

2. Background

Prisons, detention centers and other places of supervision are an important part of the state apparatus, and they are responsible for the important mission of law enforcement, education and reform. China is currently in a period of social transformation. Due to the increasing number of detainees suspected of economic and violence, there are also many repeat offenders. The detainees’ methods of resisting reform are constantly being updated.

Since the current period, the security situation of supervision sites and detention centers has been severe, and major and vicious supervision safety accidents have occurred from time to time. Since 2009, public media can see hundreds of cases of detainees escaping, holding police officers, and endangering police officers. A major vicious supervision accident for personal safety.

In recent years, higher-level leading departments have continuously issued documents calling for careful study of management measures and technical precautions to ensure the safe and stable operation of supervision sites and detention centers, especially the personal safety of police officers.

1. Comprehensive analysis of the causes of supervision accidents, objectively there are the following problems in the safety assurance of supervision sites:

① The police force is generally insufficient in the supervision places, and it is impossible to realize the comprehensive supervision of the supervised objects. Due to problems accumulated in our country’s history, the proportion of police officers deployed in supervision sites is low. For example, for detention centers, the Ministry of Public Security stipulates that every 100 detainees must be equipped with 12 civilian police, but currently many surveillance sites do not meet this requirement. However, limited conditions cannot greatly increase the police force, which makes the security precautions of the supervision place subject to configuration restrictions.

② Overtime and overpressure work of ordinary police in supervision places has become the norm. In addition, due to fatigue, negligence and other reasons, it is easy to lead to irregular law enforcement, and man-made regulatory security loopholes often appear. Supervision site managers generally feel that the work intensity is high and law enforcement risks are high, especially the pressure to ensure safety and stability.

③There are a large number of security technology methods in the supervision site, including video surveillance, infrared, access control, power grid, monitoring and other systems. Due to technology and investment reasons, it is impossible to achieve full coverage of the area, and there are a large number of blind spots in monitoring. At the same time, the existing security technologies are passive, unable to realize the monitoring of individuals, and need to consume a lot of police force to intervene in the monitoring, and perform manual analysis or management, resulting in a small monitoring range, weak real-time performance, poor accident prevention, and often only serve as a post-analysis. The role of.

2. Current specific challenges faced by the management of regulatory sites

①The inability to accurately grasp the location and number of detainees in real time is the primary factor to ensure the safety of the detainees. Supervision site managers need to know in real time the area where the detainees are located at any moment, and whether detainees are out of control, illegally entering and exiting specific areas, or illegally approaching key facilities. At present, the methods of confirming the number and location of the surveillance sites are very primitive, mainly relying on the manual judgment of the police officers, such as reporting the number of detainees, and manually counting the number of police officers. The detainees are constantly moving between different areas, such as from the prison to the factory and the venue. This requires the disciplined police to have a high sense of responsibility and concentration. If the disciplined police is slightly inattentive, they will be easily caught in troubled waters by the detainees; and there is no way to avoid concealing and shielding detainees by individual supervisors. Under current conditions, it is very troublesome to track when and where each detainee was, and the historical activity trajectory. At night, due to safety reasons, the police cannot enter the prison room. Only by visual inspection, there is no way to make an overall roll call. In addition, the total number of people in the entire supervision site is reported by the police one by one, which is very slow and not time-sensitive.

②It is impossible to strictly identify the identity of detainees without making mistakes. Currently, the identification of detainees is relatively primitive. It mainly depends on the detainees’ self-reporting of their names or the identification of police officers who are in custody. However, each guard manages dozens or even hundreds of detainees. People, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no mistakes, because people’s attention cannot be concentrated for a long time, which is an objective physiological

law. The detainees are all bald heads and wearing the same clothes. After a long period of detention, they are very easy to admit mistakes. In case there are twins with the same name and the same surname, it will be even more troublesome. Mistakes such as detainees with the same names and surnames were mistakenly released, and those with the same names and surnames were mistakenly recorded during consumption in individual surveillance sites.

③The reporting and alarm methods are not concealed and inconvenient. At present, the alarm mainly depends on the abuse report device on the wall of the prison room. However, under special circumstances, detainees dare not to press the reporting device publicly; when a detainee is attacked, there may be no way to press the reporting device; if a detainee has a heart attack at night, it may be impossible or too late to press the reporting device on the wall. . In addition, the lack of a safe and timely reporting method for ears and eyes and other related personnel makes it difficult to balance efficiency and protecting ears and eyes.

④ It is difficult to monitor temporary outings of detainees. Temporary outings, such as seeking medical treatment and identification, are the links with the highest probability of escape for detainees. At present, they mainly rely on police force and equipment, and no other technical means are used to assist them. At the same time, as soon as the detainees leave the prison, the leaders of the surveillance site can only learn about the situation through one call after another, and they are often passive when they learn that the accident has occurred.

⑤Mobile alarm efficiency is not high. Supervision places need to know whether the police officer is on duty according to work needs, and need to know the location of the police officer in real time. In the event of an emergency, you can arrange for police officers to deal with it nearby. At present, it can only be searched one by one through intercom and video surveillance, and the efficiency is not high enough. At the same time, when police officers encounter an emergency, they can only call for help through the walkie-talkie, and lack a hidden means of alarming.

⑥ Temporary workers entering and exiting the supervision site without precise monitoring will often encounter the installation and maintenance of equipment or systems, and they need to be handled by personnel from outside units. They enter and exit the supervision site more frequently. Currently, the scope of their activities is mainly supervised by the police. If the police fail to supervise in real time, temporary staff may enter and exit places that should not be entered. For meetings with lawyers, procuratorates, and family members, there is no effective and precise monitoring by the management, and there is no way to judge whether the meeting is accompanied by the police and whether the meeting is overtime.

⑦Consumption manual accounting is inefficient and error-prone. During the consumption process, manual accounting is often error-prone and consumes manpower. However, a tip card was used in some surveillance sites, but they were afraid to send the card to the detainees for fear of accidents, which caused the system to be useless.

3. Summary

Therefore, in a very special environment such as a surveillance site, how to use technical means to more effectively monitor the individual and specific area of ​​the individual to be supervised, so as to more accurately and controllably prevent accidents such as escape, suicide, and sudden death of detainees? In the case of many video surveillance probes and limited monitoring manpower resulting in monitoring but not control, is there reliable technology to improve? Is there a more advanced, efficient, economical, practical, and active early warning technology solution that focuses on precise management? How to adopt Only with the new technical solutions of the United States can we truly create a cost-effective, comprehensive high-efficiency science and technology strong police project? In reality, there is a strong and urgent need for security protection. Facing the above-mentioned problems, we must find a more satisfactory answer. In order to effectively strengthen the safety of supervision places, it is necessary to achieve fully automatic, full coverage and active monitoring in security technology to realize the management of individuals. When an abnormal event occurs, the police can actively alarm at any time to remind the police to intervene in analysis and take corresponding measures. Measures to completely prevent the occurrence of major vicious supervision accidents in supervision places.

4. Construction goals

Informatization construction is for business services. First of all, it must satisfy the two points of usefulness and practicality. Second, it must not increase the workload of existing personnel, whether it is learning, training or daily police use. In addition, taking into account the special circumstances of the supervision site, during construction and actual use, it is not possible to cause any harm or other risks to the police and detainees!

①Ensure strict implementation of specifications and systems, achieve more active and refined management, realize real-time positioning of all police officers and detainees in all supervision sites and even outgoings, achieve fully automatic, full coverage and active monitoring, and be able to record relevant tracks. At the same time, by setting relevant alarm rules, alarms are given to some behaviors, such as detainees entering areas that should not be entered, and policemen failing to patrol in accordance with the prescribed route. All these systems are automatically recorded, traceable and auditable, so as to ensure that relevant regulations and systems can be strictly implemented. Even through the analysis of individual behaviors, early warnings and alarms of violations of police officers and detainees can be realized, turning passive into active, so as to prevent the occurrence of major malignant supervision accidents in supervision places, and make management more proactive, more refined, and more effective.

②Increase hidden active reporting and alarm functions from passive to active security. At the same time, by setting relevant alarm rules, some behaviors can be alerted, such as detainees entering an area that should not be entered, and automatically calling the police if they are missing, etc., these alarms are all It can be linked with video to completely solve the problem of monitoring but not control, and change passive security to active security.

③Reducing the burden of the police and requesting science and technology to build police information is for the service of the police, so that the police can focus more on the supervision work rather than on the information system. Everything in this system is automatically sensed and integrated with the existing security and access control card systems in the supervision site, which truly pushes the informatization of the supervision site to intelligence and automation.

5. System advantages

According to the implementation experience, taking into account the special situation of the supervision site, and the active radio frequency technology is a relatively new technology, in order to better implement this system, we need to solve core technical issues such as large-scale data processing. Whether these core technical problems can be solved well has a direct impact on whether the entire software system can achieve the desired application effect.

①Safety first

Information security is in place. Considering that the supervision site is more sensitive, information security is very important. The entire system adopts a dedicated radio frequency protocol and a dedicated encryption algorithm, avoiding the use of wireless schemes such as WIFI and other general protocols, thus greatly reducing the access through the radio frequency communication network. Possibility of access to the internal data network of the supervision site.

Safe for human body:

The radio frequency signal receiving base station itself only accepts signals in this frequency band and does not send out any other signals. The influence of the radio frequency signal generated by the radio frequency electronic wristband positioning tag on the human body is in full compliance with the national electromagnetic radiation protection regulations (GB9175-88, GB8702-88), and at the same time , Identity electronic identity uses special anti-skin allergies materials, and has passed relevant national tests to ensure that it will not cause skin allergies when worn.

②Ensure system reliability

Stability and reliability are the biggest challenges. Frequent false negatives and false positives are absolutely not allowed. Base station deployment redundancy is designed to improve reliability. When deploying radio frequency signal receiving base stations, try to consider redundancy to ensure that the signal from any radio frequency electronic wristband positioning tag can be received by multiple radio frequency signal receiving base stations at the same time. This ensures that in the event of an individual radio frequency signal receiving base station failure, it can still ensure that all signals sent by the radio frequency electronic wristband tag, such as heartbeat, positioning, alarm, and low battery signals, can be reliably transmitted. For the roll call and positioning of a large number of people, the main communication frequency adopts a special ultra-high frequency communication frequency, which has strong diffraction and penetration capabilities, which ensures that the radio frequency electronic wristband positioning tag is placed in any position, any direction, or Anyone who is consciously blocked by a detainee body can be reliably read. At the same time, we have solved the problems of long-distance, large flow, and ultra-low power consumption thoroughly, and fundamentally improved the performance of the product. This ensures that the system can effectively reduce the collision rate of radio frequency positioning signals in the air under the condition of high-density positioning radio frequency electronic wristband positioning tags, and greatly reduce the probability of radio frequency signal reception loss. When a large number of radio frequency electronic wristband tags are gathered, it can reliably receive the signal of each electronic wristband positioning tag to ensure the reliability of key signal transmission such as police officers and detainees’ roll call and alarm, and fully meet the key requirements for safety in supervision sites .

③Accurate positioning

The unique two-level positioning mode greatly enhances the positioning accuracy. The channel management module can accurately determine the direction of entry and exit, effectively avoiding misjudgments and preventing the occurrence of false entry and exit. The electronic identity is designed with a scientific structure and a one-time plastic encapsulation to achieve lightning protection, waterproof, mildew, and impact resistance, and meet the requirements of the industrial environment. The unique buckle design makes disassembly and assembly very convenient. Special tools are required to disassemble. At the same time, the internal current loop design of the wristband positioning tag can ensure that when the identity is damaged (such as cutting, button damage, etc.), the identity can send a signal to the system. .

④ Highly compatible and expandable

In the future, more applications such as asset management, vehicle management, and tool management can be deployed directly and quickly on existing platforms. Reserve interfaces with security, office, application business and other systems to quickly integrate and form a synergy.

⑤Integration with other systems

Multi-card integration, the system uses rfid radio frequency technology to realize identification, positioning, and tracking, so it can be seamlessly integrated with other rfid radio frequency equipment in supervision places. The radio frequency electronic wristband tags we provide can integrate the 13.56M frequency band. Achieve the following functions: the electronic identity of detainees can also be integrated with the detainee card, which can realize the integration of the system for meeting with relatives of detainees and spending money, so that detainees can directly use the electronic identity to register and swipe the card and supervise the daily routine of the place. Consumer credit cards make electronic identities a part that detainees need to use daily during the course of their sentences, reduce the resistance of detainees to wear, and prevent detainees from deliberately damaging their electronic identities. The policeman’s radio frequency location identification card can be integrated with the policeman card access control, inspection and other radio frequency systems to achieve multi-card integration. The police officer can realize positioning, inspection, access control and other functions only by carrying the radio frequency location identification card. It is seamlessly connected with the supervision business platform. The interface between the system and the supervision site management information system can provide data acquisition and data service bidirectional interfaces in the form of WEB services based on the prescribed data interface standards and based on the SOA architecture. Interfaces with various existing supervision sites management information systems in supervision sites, mainly including obtaining basic information such as the names, genders, and photos of detainees associated with radio frequency location identification cards and electronic identities from the existing supervision sites management information system Data, management data such as the level and treatment of detainees. In this system, information about detainees and police officers can be accessed at any time. Maintenance is convenient. The system should provide automatic maintenance functions for electronic identities and positioning equipment, and maintenance functions such as fault detection and software network upgrades for other radio frequency signal receiving base stations to reduce system maintenance costs.



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