Smart conference sign-in system scheme based on RFID technology

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1. Background introduction

The organization and management of large-scale conferences are complex. Due to the high level of the conference, the large number of participants and the people from all over the country, the conference organization is under pressure. It is difficult for conference organizers to accurately identify the participants from memory. Therefore, how to Effective identification and statistics of participants have become an important core of conference organization and management. The frequent holding of meetings has also aggravated the difficulty of meeting management.

The current conference sign-in and recognition methods are generally adopted by two methods: manual verification of certificates and smart card certificates. They still have the following main shortcomings:

Manual verification of documents is inefficient, cannot guarantee accuracy, and is inconvenient for automated statistics;

Ordinary smart cards require participants to show their credentials and swipe their cards at a designated place. It is inevitable that they are unwilling to sign in when there are too many people; generally, people who participate in important meetings have considerable identities. If this type of swiping in and out mode is adopted, it is courteous and convenient It is totally undesirable in terms of sex, and it is not conducive to the realization of humanized meeting management by participating organizations;

When using ordinary smart cards, the card and the representative card are separated, so that the participants must save and carry both at the same time, which brings trouble to the actions of the participants.

   Smart conference sign-in system scheme based on RFID technology

The above difficulties and shortcomings can be completely overcome by using the latest RFID technology. The technology has the following characteristics:

RFID can store data in an electronic data carrier in a chip;

Non-contact automatic identification realized by radio frequency technology;

The data transmission speed is fast, the speed can reach 16K/s;

Small size, the smallest chip can reach the micron level, easy to carry;

The distance is far, and the maximum recognition distance can reach several hundred meters according to different frequencies.

To meet the needs of meeting organization work, in the long-term meeting sign-in service practice, combined with rich experience in the development of conference software and hardware equipment, successfully developed an intelligent meeting sign-in system based on RFID technology. The system has the following characteristics:

Humanized and fast sign-in: Representatives pass directly through the channel system without any stay. The system automatically recognizes and can recognize multiple people at the same time, up to 50 cards can be recognized at the same time, effectively ensuring that multiple people sign in at the same time. And personalized display of the representative’s attendance information and welcome message;

Effective anti-counterfeiting: Each electronic label has a globally unique code, and the internal information of the label is further encrypted and anti-counterfeiting to fundamentally eliminate the possibility of forgery and ensure the uniqueness of the global label;

High sensitivity: Even if many delegates pass through the channel at the same time and at high speed, the system can effectively identify them;

No need to swipe the card at the designated place: Participants can be identified only by passing the only way through the venue at a normal walking speed;

The card and the card are integrated: participants only need to wear the representative card on the chest to automatically recognize the card, without manually swiping the card;

Abundant background management functions: unified statistics, printing, and conference management for each foreground terminal through the background system;

Fault tolerance and automatic recovery: If a physical failure occurs, the system guarantees that the sign-in will proceed normally, and the sign-in representative will not feel the system error. After the error is eliminated, the data of each system during the period can be automatically merged and restored to the normal state. For out-of-sync data caused by failures, data can be automatically synchronized afterwards.

The smart conference sign-in system based on RFID technology, with high anti-counterfeiting and long-distance identification RFID electronic tag technology as the core, can fully meet the needs of modern large-scale government meetings to identify the identity of participants.

Two, system goals

Overall objective:

Reduce the workload of meeting staff; facilitate the attendees to sign in.

The system achieves its goals:

High reliability, high performance, easy operation and easy maintenance.

Three, system function

The system consists of three parts: sign-in subsystem, foreground management subsystem, background management subsystem

1. Sign-in subsystem

A. Equipment introduction

Sign-in devices are mainly hardware-related devices, and there are two main types according to application:

Type channel sensing equipment, handheld equipment.

Channel sensing equipment is mainly used in the main meeting place or frequently used meeting place. It can be easily moved and deployed when in use, and can be moved and stored when not in use.

Hand-held devices are mainly used in temporary meeting places, meeting places that are not frequently used, or places where mobile devices cannot be used for other reasons. They can also be used as a backup solution for mobile channel sensing devices, which can be easily carried, installed, and deployed.

   Smart conference sign-in system scheme based on RFID technology

Introduction to the principle of equipment construction

The composition of the RFID system will vary due to different applications, but it is basically composed of three parts: a radio frequency tag (Tag), a reader (Reader) and an application system (Processor).

B. Sign-in process

C. Functional requirements

Fast and accurate

Under normal speed traffic conditions, the sign-in can be carried out accurately and quickly without any missed inspections or false inspections.

Meet multiple people signing in at the same time

When multiple people are required to pass through at the same time, the check-in can be performed accurately and quickly without any time delay or unrecognition.


In special circumstances such as the loss of the electronic tag of the delegates, it is provided a way to sign in.

Exception warning

In case of invalid card, it can prompt sound promptly.

Easy and fast installation

The sign-in system is convenient and fast to install, especially for the movable sign-in system, which can be installed in a short time and enter the use state.

Easy to use

It requires simple operation, easy to use, and does not require excessive training

Reliable performance

There will be no system errors during the use of the system, and no problems with the sign-in system will affect the meeting.

2. Backstage management subsystem

The back-end management subsystem manages meeting information, monitors the status of the front desk, summarizes the front desk sign-in information, controls the sign-in process, and queries and prints the meeting sign-in status

1), basic information management

The setting of common information of various conferences and the management of some system parameters.

2), current conference information management:

This implementation of the sign-in meeting creation, information maintenance, participant management, and personnel category, delegation, personnel seat and some meeting ancillary information management.

3). Sign-in process management:

Unified management of the check-in status of each front desk (check-in reset, start check-in, stop check-in, etc.);

Synchronize the basic data and sign-in data of each front desk;

Detect the connection status, work status and number of people at each front desk;

Display check-in information and seat distribution in a summary;

subsidiary function: ask for leave, sign-in manually.

4), query printing:

Inquiry, statistics, and printing of current meeting records, historical sign-in records, etc.

summary information, attendance list, leave list, absent list, etc.

5) Data processing:

Data backup, data recovery, data consolidation, data archiving and other management functions

Smart conference sign-in system scheme based on RFID technology

3. Foreground management subsystem

The front-end management subsystem decides to open the check-in subsystem according to the check-in process of the back-end management subsystem, and displays the information of the check-in personnel. When the network is in poor condition, it can be operated offline and independently.

Subsystem requirements:

Quick display

Quickly display the information of the delegates who are currently signing in. The information is rich (photos, delegates’ names, delegate categories, seat numbers, etc.) and organized, so that delegates feel the display is smooth, without the feeling of pause in the display.

Scroll display

The information of people who have checked in in the most recent period of time is scrolled.

Sound welcome effect

According to different check-in status (first check-in, repeat check-in), the welcome sound will be played.

Overview of the overall status of sign-in

Shows the total number of attendees at the front desk, and the approximate total number of attendees so far, to have a general understanding of the total attendance of the conference.

Connection status display

Real-time display of the connection status between the foreground and the background.

Run offline

When the network condition is not good, it can run independently from the background management system and database, and will not affect the conference sign-in process. When the network returns to normal, the new sign-in information can be automatically uploaded and summarized to the background management system.

Ancillary function

Manual sign-in, foreground parameter setting and some operation actions used for offline operation (in online operation, the foreground does not require manual intervention).



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