Research on Intelligent Public Transport Solutions Based on Internet of Things

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The rapid development of my country’s economy has greatly improved people’s living standards, but some of the problems that follow cannot be ignored. One of the most serious problems is traffic congestion, and the serious traffic congestion problem in recent years is not limited to big cities, it has also spread in second-tier and third-tier cities. According to data released by the China Automobile Association in 2010, China’s annual car sales in 2009 reached 13.644 million, surpassing the United States to become the world’s number one. Among them, the number of passenger cars was 10.331 million, an increase of 53% year-on-year. Last year, the national highway increased by a total of 98,000 kilometers, a year-on-year decrease of 33%. This unbalanced development and growth rate between the two has led to a series of problems, such as frequent traffic accidents, inconvenience for urban residents to travel by car, and increased commuting time. As we all know, the manufacturing industry is one of my country’s pillar industries. We need the automobile industry to vigorously develop our country’s economy; while the expansion of highways can quickly drive GDP growth in a short period of time and can alleviate traffic congestion, but in the long run It seems that this measure is not a sustainable development method, and this method of solving the traffic congestion problem has encountered a bottleneck that cannot be broken. Therefore, this series of problems cannot be solved simply by curbing car consumption or blindly expanding highways.

2.Solution design ideas

Based on the consideration of the above issues, in order to give full play to the “intelligence” role of the bus dispatching command center, to solve major or emergency situations, such as holding national and provincial large-scale events, adopting traffic control measures, and encountering Severe weather, road congestion during commuting hours, and long waiting time for public transportation vehicles to make it easier for citizens to travel. This article uses the Internet of Things and related technologies to design an intelligent public transportation system. The design scheme can not only support the traditional camera and video surveillance functions, but also support a series of related technologies and functions of the emerging Internet of Things. By improving the design of the existing public transportation system, the automation of the public transportation system, the planning level and management level of public transportation routes, the operation efficiency and the convenience of services are improved, so as to improve the customer perception, thereby achieving the increase of residents’ public transportation trip rate and improving the traffic. The purpose of the situation.

3.Solution analysis and design

3.1 Demand analysis

This program analyzes the existing public transportation management system and relevant national regulations, and concludes that its main requirement is to efficiently manage and maintain public transportation resource data, and on this basis, realize rapid and safe vehicle rescue and security monitoring for public transportation customers. , Real-time positioning, real-time dispatch, alarm for help, call center, information query, route optimization calculation, historical path playback and other general functions, as well as more personalized needs support, and finally achieve the goal of intelligent bus management.

3.2 The overall structure of the solution

This program mainly uses RFID technology and 3G network technology, combined with traditional technologies such as GPS/GIS, video camera technology, and proposes a total solution to the related problems mentioned above with the background of the emerging Internet of Things.

(1) Information carrier

In this solution, RFID tags are the main information carriers, which are respectively used for bus stop signs, bus running routes, and passenger mobile phones. Because when a bus enters a station, there is usually a distance of 2-3m from the stop sign. Therefore, in order to ensure that the working distance between the external RFID tag and the reader is available, the tag should be assisted by a power supply, and the price of the active tag is relatively high, so this solution uses the BAP tag. Compared with pure passive tags and active tags, BAP tags have many advantages, such as better sensitivity than passive tags and longer battery life than active tags (approximately 5-10 years, while active tags are 2-4 years), can use auxiliary power to start its active function, etc. In addition, because the BAP tag can carry and store more data, this solution can realize the function of displaying specific advertisements on the bus at a specific time and place; at the same time, the BAP tag also supports the active data recording function. Integration, such as integrating the temperature sensor with the tag, so that passengers can know the outdoor temperature in time by reading the data of the BAP tag through the on-board RFID reader.

The use of RFID tags can also achieve other functions, such as accurate real-time positioning. We can embed RFID tags in buildings or facilities around the bus line so that we can know the location of the bus in time, and realize functions such as curve reminders and route reminders. ; And because the RFID tag with auxiliary power supply can realize the active storage function of data, the historical path playback function can also be realized. At the same time, the combination with GPS and GIS can also provide route optimization in specific situations, such as major events.

The internal RFID application of the bus is mainly used for all-in-one card and passenger identity management. Through the integration of RFID tags with personal mobile phones and the realization of the real-name system of personal mobile phones, the bus can use its internal RFID reader to realize the consumption of the bus passenger card, and because the RFID tag contains personal information, the passenger can use the card At the same time of consumption, the identification and management of passengers can also be realized. Currently, China Mobile is conducting research and development work on a communication system-based Internet of Things application project. The project integrates RFID tags with mobile phones and provides corresponding value-added services based on mobile communication networks based on mobile wallet applications. An important service content of the company is to support bus card swiping.

In addition, if necessary, the LCD screen of the bus stop sign can be connected to the platform of the bus dispatch center through the network. Because RFID tags are installed in specific locations of the bus running route, the bus dispatch center can know the current location of the bus in time, so as to calculate the distance and time of the bus to a certain stop, and then use the LCD display of the bus stop The screen provides passengers with relevant information in a timely manner.

(2) Communication network

In the intelligent public transportation system scheme, the communication network is a very important aspect, especially the communication between the bus and the public transportation dispatching center. Since it is impossible to use a wired network for communication between the two, the ordinary wireless network has many limitations due to cost or working distance and support capacity wired reasons, so it cannot be really used for public transport management. This scheme uses 3G network as the communication network between the bus and the bus dispatch center. Compared with other wireless communication networks, 3G networks have many advantages. For example, 3G networks have sufficient working distance, good network stability, and high data transmission rate. At the same time, because the operating range of buses usually does not exceed the coverage of the 3G network, and the signal tower standards of my country’s 3G operators are gradually becoming standardized and unified, the use of 3G networks can not only reduce costs, but also allow bus companies The rapid realization of network transformation will also facilitate future upgrades to 4G networks.

In addition, since the 3G network is used, all the servers and equipment of the 3G network provider except the vehicle identification module are used, and the vehicle identification module can also be replaced and upgraded at any time, and this is especially true for vehicle RFID readers. Therefore, this solution, to a certain extent, realizes loose coupling in the overall architecture, which is of great significance for the future upgrade and reconstruction of the intelligent public transportation system and the re-selection of network service providers.

3.3 Technical architecture of the solution

In this solution, the bus transmits the data read by RFID and the surveillance video, voice and other data in the bus to the bus dispatch center and 110/120 center through the 3G network to realize functions such as security monitoring, call for help, and real-time dispatch. Passengers can log in to the bus company platform through the mobile communication network or the Internet network to realize the real-time query function.

4.Shortcomings and prospects

This article mainly uses the integration of RFID technology, 3G communication network and other Internet of Things related technologies to propose a smart bus solution based on the Internet of Things. This article still has a lot of unfinished points. For example, the solution proposed is only conceptual and framework, and not specific enough. Many technologies are still related to the use of RFID to manage passenger information will cause privacy issues and so on. However, we believe that the development and establishment of the Internet of Things for Intelligent Transportation is the general trend. With the improvement of a series of technologies and protocols of the Internet of Things and the deepening of research, these problems will gradually be better solved.



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