Train tracking system

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client needs

  ◆Train/Truck Location and Recognition

◆Which section of the track does the train travel on

◆Tracking separately

◆Survey direction

◆Prepare itinerary plans for trucks

◆Truck order

◆Full visibility

◆Understand the truck that is loading, the truck that is unloading

◆Adjust the time of the truck

◆Maintenance and inspection cycle

Function application

1. Vehicle identification

Vehicle identification is based on an ILR tag installed on the bottom of the vehicle, an ILR Marker between the two rails, and a reader/antenna unit installed in each access area. When the vehicle passes the marker between the two rails, the tag automatically starts to transmit identification signals, and the reader/antenna unit receives information from surrounding vehicles and rails. Based on Ethernet/TCPIP or GSM/GPRS, WLAN/UMTS, the identification Data information can be transmitted to the station machine room.

2. Track separately

Along with the tag identification, a Maker identification signal is also transmitted, and the Maker’s ID number is used to determine the trajectory of the train.

3. Data transmission

A central data processing unit in the station machine room based on Ethernet/TCPIP, GSM, GPRS, WLAN, UMTS can obtain a component of the event message: the vehicle information (including the ID number of the tag, the ID number of the marker, and the timestamp).

4. Mobile devices

Using ILR technology, a mobile RFID application program can be established. This application program needs to cooperate with a handheld reader that can integrate ILR PCMCIA II / CF Card. The ILR handheld readers mentioned above are fully compatible with ILR tags. In this way, staff can use handheld readers to identify vehicles or search for specific vehicles.

5. Real-time monitoring

Due to the long reading distance of the active ILR technology, it is also possible to monitor all trains at a station, including information such as which rail they are on.

client needs

Hamburg Metro/Iran IRIRW Railway

Benefits for rail transportation:

◆The information of the vehicle is stored in the label, no manual operation is required

◆ Shorten the turnaround time

◆Provide customers with accurate delivery time

◆Can transmit signals when the vehicle arrives/unloads/turnover and maintenance

◆Make your asset management more perfect and reduce costs

◆Customer service is more intimate

◆The efficiency is increased due to the reduction of cost, and it can compete with road transportation to a greater extent



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