Port cargo space container positioning management solution

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Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is an automatic identification and data acquisition technology based on wireless technology, because it is not easy to be polluted, worn, scratched, and the label itself is a passive component, small in size, durable and reliable, and quick and convenient to operate. The RFID cargo location intelligent management system adopts radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and is developed according to the actual needs of cargo location management. It handles all aspects of container storage, classification, search, inventory, purchase, sale and storage. Realize data sharing, effectively improve the customer’s file management efficiency, simplify the management process, reduce the labor intensity of personnel, and provide customers with a more convenient and effective management model.

At present, logistics cargo location management is mainly realized based on corresponding standardized manual operations and computer semi-automatic management. The disadvantages are obvious, that is, it takes a lot of manpower and time to standardize the placement of items, regular inventory and check-in/out, which makes warehouse management problems very cumbersome and wastes a lot of time. Therefore, it is ideal to apply RFID technology to warehouse management, and it is also a new application field of RFID technology.

The purpose of the design of the logistics cargo location management system based on RFID technology is to realize the automation of container exit/entry control, container storage location and quantity statistics, and information query process, so as to facilitate the management staff to conduct statistics, query and grasp the flow of materials. In order to meet the requirements of convenience, speed, safety and efficiency, the system is designed as follows.

① System composition

The hardware of the logistics cargo location management system based on RFID technology includes: host, handheld terminal, wireless network, location electronic tag, mobile reader, alarm detection device, etc. The host is installed with management software, connected to the handheld reader and all location electronic tags through a wireless network, and controls them, such as setting permissions, reading limit records and statistical inquiries, etc.; the handheld reader reads the location electronic tags Record the placement of items, collect items in and out of warehouse records, etc. The system structure is shown in the figure. This system uses RFID electronic tags as the identification of items, storing its model, production date, quantity and other information.

The system management software mainly includes five modules: system setting, warehouse-in management, warehouse-out management, material management, and database management.
System settings include functions such as password modification, warehouse area, reader address, serial port and alarm settings;
Material management includes functions such as reading/writing electronic tags, adding and deleting records, and generating reports;
Material management includes functions such as material positioning, inventory, statistics and report generation;
Database management performs operations such as browsing, querying, and sorting the database, and can only modify or edit part of the information, such as the degree of damage, remarks, etc., without the right to add or delete any records.

 ② Main functions and realization of the system

a) Material positioning
When the container enters and exits a certain area of ​​the warehouse, it needs to pass through the location reader of the area, and the reader records the item. The host receives the records and can determine the direction of entry and exit of items according to the time information of the different antenna positions of the reader, and modify the database. If the item enters a certain area, the record is added to the area in the database; otherwise, the record is deleted. This realizes the one-to-one correspondence between the actual location of the warehouse materials and the information in the host database, which brings great convenience for the management personnel to inquire, check, and find materials.

b) Outbound/inbound management
The registration of container exit/entry is an important part of warehouse management. Once there are too many types and quantities of items, the workload will be large and error-prone, which may cause loss of national property or corporate property. Based on the principle of prudence, the system adopts dual management of manual inspection and automated office. The workflow of the warehouse management subsystem is shown in the figure. The advantage of this system is that the material export/warehouse is synchronized with the addition/deletion of the database, and the report is finally generated, which greatly reduces the workload of the management staff.

c) Material inventory
In warehouse management, regular inventory is an indispensable work. The system is also equipped with a mobile reader. The staff can quickly complete the material inventory task by holding it and patrolling in the warehouse. The specific process is: sub-regional: the reader reads the information of the RFID electronic tag, and sends it to the host as a record and stores it in the new database; after reading an area, the main side compares the old and new databases in the area and records the results; Enter the next area and repeat the above process. After the warehouse inventory is completed, material statistics and difference reports are generated to facilitate timely detection of problems.

③System security analysis

With the rapid development of RFID technology, the security systems provided by various RFID electronic label manufacturers for users are becoming more and more complete. First of all, the serial number of each label is unique, it has been solidified during the production process and cannot be changed. In the communication security, the three-time sensor verification technology in accordance with the ISO9798 international standard is used to verify the legitimacy of the electronic tag and the reader; in the data communication, the DSA algorithm is used to encrypt the data to ensure that the data is not illegal. Revise. The authorization method is adopted on the reader controller, that is, the reader device must first obtain the authorization of the “device authorization tag” to read and write the electronic tags of the system, and the initialization of the electronic tags must be authorized by the superior authorization tag. And it can only be done on designated authorized devices. Therefore, the authorization method does not have the problem of password being cracked, and the security of the system can be ensured as long as the authorization label is not stolen.

Therefore, the correct regulation of the RFID electronic tag management system, and the proper storage and use of authorization cards will ensure the high security of the system.


The design and implementation of a warehouse management system based on RFID technology is a new application of RFID technology. With the continuous development of RFID technology, it is believed that in the near future, its reading and writing distance will continue to improve, which will bring greater convenience to warehouse management and thus generate more positive social benefits.



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