Jingcheng EAS-RFID barcode storage wireless operation management system

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System Overview

With the increasingly fierce competition, all companies are working hard to save costs and improve work efficiency. System integration is one of the main methods for companies to improve efficiency, but the system integration of various companies has always stayed on the IT system itself. As a bridge connecting the physical world with existing IT systems, RFID technology can effectively integrate the production and supply systems of the enterprise with the IT system of the enterprise. It can greatly improve the work efficiency of the enterprise and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise.

At present, the logistics management system usually uses barcode labels or manual documents to support the management of its own logistics links. However, the characteristics of easy duplication, non-fouling, and moisture-proof of barcode Man-made losses make current domestic logistics management, especially warehousing, always have defects.

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With the application of radio frequency electronic tags, the latest technology products, the above-mentioned problems can be fundamentally solved. The RFID application solution is iSoftStone’s comprehensive solution for the application of RFID in the logistics field. Based on years of informatization implementation experience in the logistics field, and close cooperation with advanced equipment integration and manufacturer Realize the seamless docking of RFID technology and enterprise information system, and ensure that RFID technology can play the maximum benefit in enterprise logistics operations.

Basic Principles of RFID

RFID is an advanced and powerful technology. It is based on unlimited radio frequency technology and can be used as a means of identifying materials. In addition to storing a unique identification number, RFID can also store a large amount of useful information related to materials and transmit it securely through wireless. The RFID tag will be encapsulated on the surface of the material, which contains various information will be stored in the chip in the center of the tag. The information contained in the label can be read and updated within the controllable range by the card reader working with it. The RFID card reader can have multiple interfaces and methods to connect with the back-end software system for more complex logic processing. RFID technology is different from the current common bar code technology. RFID tags can carry a larger amount of information, can communicate with longer examples, and are flexible in usage.

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The RFID system has three components:

RFID tags

RFID tag, the chip in it will store the unique identification and other updated information; from the appearance point of view, the tag can also have a variety of different packaging forms. From the perspective of power supply, tags are divided into two types: active and passive.

RFID card reader

The RFID card reader shoulders the important responsibility of how to read any RFID tags within the monitoring range in real time, and is responsible for transmitting the read information to the back-end software system through the appropriate network.

RFID middleware

RFID middleware is the “heart” of the entire system. It obtains various real-time information about front-end tags and processes them in real time according to customer needs.

Because RFID tags are readable and writable, they are especially suitable for occasions where data content needs to be changed frequently. It plays a role in data collection and system command transmission. It is widely used in warehouse management, transportation management, production management, and materials in the supply chain. Tracking, identification of vehicles and shelves, anti-theft of commodities in stores, especially supermarkets, etc.

Features of RFID barcode system

(1) Advanced collection methods: make full use of the data collection functions of barcode collection equipment or RFID equipment itself, adopt GPRS/GPS network communication technology and wireless local area network technology to realize real-time data collection and mobile operations of various supporting equipment.

(2) The collected data is complete and accurate: The system is based on a handheld computer PDA device or an RFID mobile data collector (DT300 or DT930), which can store a large amount of bar code information into the device or directly transmit it to the server through the network, with high collection efficiency and accuracy. Greatly improve.

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(3) The information transmission channel is two-way and fast: the real-time data acquisition system realized by GPRS/GPS network communication technology and wireless local area network technology will maintain the two-way interaction between the handheld device and the server, and the data can be transmitted to the server in time through the handheld device. The server can send instructions to the device from time to time to achieve two-way fast communication.

(4) The system is safe and reliable: the establishment of the bar code asset system sets up a detailed security backup and recovery mechanism, and realizes hot backup of data from time to time. At the same time, it provides operation logs and personnel authorization. The on-site equipment uses high-performance hardware products and networks. The product makes the operation of the collection system more stable and reliable.

(5) Friendly interface and convenient operation: Jingcheng barcode logistics system not only realizes all the functions and Chineseization on the original display terminal (DT300 or DT930), but also expands many new functions. The user interface of the PDA system based on Windows Mobile Friendly, beautiful and easy to operate.

(6) Advanced technology and good scalability: It adopts advanced computer application technology and has good scalability. The open system structure and long-term life cycle can meet the needs of sustainable development in the future. It can easily realize seamless data connection with enterprise ERP, CRM and other systems.

RFID barcode application

With the gradual maturity of RFID technology, its application becomes more and more extensive. The combination of RFID front-end equipment (tags, card readers) and enterprise core systems can be widely used in the supply chain and logistics management fields, effectively solving the input/output of various business operation data in the supply chain, and the control and tracking of business processes , And reduce the error rate and other problems.

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Retail link

RFID can improve the inventory management of retailers, realize timely replenishment, effectively track transportation and inventory, improve efficiency, and reduce errors. At the same time, smart tags can monitor the expiration date of some time-sensitive commodities; stores can also use the RFID system to automatically scan and charge at the checkout counter to replace manual collection.

RFID tags in the sales link of the supply chain terminal, especially in the supermarket, avoid manual intervention in the tracking process, and can generate 100% accurate business data, so it has a huge appeal.

Storage link

In warehouses, the most widely used radio frequency technology is to deposit and withdraw goods and inventory. It can be used to automate operations such as inventory and retrieval. In the entire warehouse management, combining the receiving plan, picking plan, and shipping plan made by the supply chain planning system with radio frequency identification technology can efficiently complete various business operations, such as designating storage areas, picking up on shelves, and Replenishment etc. In this way, the accuracy and speed of operations are enhanced, service quality is improved, costs are reduced, labor and inventory space are saved, and at the same time, misplacement, misdelivery, theft, damage and inventory and shipment of goods due to the entire logistics are reduced. Loss caused by errors, etc.

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Another benefit of RFID technology is to reduce manpower during inventory counting. The design of RFID is to automate the registration of goods. It does not require manual inspection or scanning bar codes during inventory, which is faster and more accurate, and reduces losses. RFID solutions can provide accurate information about inventory conditions, and managers can quickly identify and correct inefficient operations, thereby achieving fast delivery and minimizing storage costs.

Transport link

In transportation management, RFID tags are affixed to goods and vehicles transported in transit, and RFID receiving and forwarding devices are installed at some checkpoints on the transportation line. After receiving the RFID tag information, the receiving device uploads it to the communication satellite along with the location information of the receiving place, and then transmits it to the transportation dispatching center by the satellite, and sends it to the database.

Distribution/distribution link

In the distribution link, the use of radio frequency technology can greatly accelerate the speed of distribution, improve the efficiency and accuracy of the picking and distribution process, and can reduce labor and reduce distribution costs.

If all commodities arriving at the central distribution center are affixed with RFID tags, when entering the central distribution center, the pallet passes through a reader to read the contents of the tags on all the boxes on the pallet. The system checks this information with the shipping record to detect possible errors, and then updates the RFID tag to the latest product storage location and status. This ensures precise inventory control, and even knows exactly how many containers are currently in transit, the origin and destination of the transshipment, and the expected arrival time.

Production processes

Application in production and manufacturing
RFID technology
, Can complete the operation of the automated production line, realize the identification and tracking of raw materials, parts, semi-finished products and finished products on the entire production line, reduce manual identification costs and error rates, and improve efficiency and benefits. Especially on the assembly line that adopts JIT (Just-in-Time) production method, raw materials and parts must be delivered to the work station on time. After the use of RFID technology, it is possible to quickly and accurately find the raw materials and parts required by the workstation from a wide range of inventory by identifying electronic tags. RFID technology can also help managers send out replenishment information in time according to the production schedule, achieve a balanced and stable production line, and also strengthen quality control and tracking.

Implementation Effect

Practice has fully proved that the application of RFID technology can produce great economic benefits. Mainly from the following aspects:

Combining logistics management with radio frequency identification technology can efficiently complete various business operations, improve logistics management, and increase efficiency and value;

Improve the identification rate of items in the processing of various links in the supply chain, without opening the box for inspection, and identifying multiple items at the same time, improving the efficiency of logistics operations;

Reduce the operation cycle, improve the real-time performance of operation data, and dynamically grasp the operation status in real time, so as to realize the visual management of the whole process of materials;

The use of radio frequency technology can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the picking and distribution process, and accelerate the speed of distribution, reduce labor and reduce distribution costs;

Meet customers’ requirements for timely feedback of item information, strengthen supply chain operation efficiency, and improve service levels.

Jingcheng Software Co., Ltd. has many successful cases in barcode MES, WMS, EAM, PDA, RFID warehousing, logistics, materials, production execution, quality traceability software, etc. As a professional integrated IT service provider, it has In the process, from the perspective of professional consulting, assist the enterprise in completing the RFID technology application process, and bring the following benefits to the enterprise:

Professional and objective feasibility analysis to protect corporate investment;

Starting from the requirements of the enterprise’s logistics business, ensure that the application of RFID technology can effectively improve the operational efficiency of the enterprise;

Assist enterprises to plan and adjust warehousing business processes to lay the foundation for the implementation and use of RFID technology applications;

Realize the seamless integration of RFID system and existing information system, realize data sharing and integration, ensure the coherence and smoothness of enterprise logistics business processing, and enhance the application effect of RFID.



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