Thailand fully promotes the national animal food identification system

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The Thai government willAnimal traceabilityAssociation developmentstandardandISO11784.ISO11785Standards to complete the livestock tracking system implemented in its own country.Until the end of 2006Livestock departmentAnd Nectec has implemented RFID animal tracking systems in 25 poultry farms. As of the end of 2007, this technology will be gradually extended to livestock and cattle breeding farms, and the aquaculture department is also working hard on the application of this technology. Fishery biology expert Srirat Sodsuk said that the fisheries department has established a database to connect to the national livestock identification system. So far, they have implemented RFID technology on experimental projects for fresh shrimp management.

According to Yukol Limlamthong, head of the livestock product development department, through the implementation of RFID technology, Thailand expects to take a step forward in the quality of international animal food exports and truly meet internationally recognized safety standards.He also said: “NationalAnimal identificationThe system will be an important infrastructure. It is not only experimental poultry management that is part of the national system. Approximately 10,000 farms and related companies across the country must follow the existing traceability system manual. The information includes slaughter, breeding, reproduction, epidemic prevention, animal products, animal nutrition and other biological products. “

Thailand occupies a leading position in international poultry food exports. It exports about 4 billion chickens every year, with an export value of more than 30 billion Thai baht. The export of comparative pork products has climbed to approximately 1 billion Thai baht.

Mr. Yukol said that the government will invest in the entire core main system. Each private enterprise will invest in the sub-system part connected to the main system data center. This cost-effective solution will more effectively promote the implementation of the national animal identification system.Once there isepidemicWhen an outbreak occurs, the government authority will locate the actual disease based on the database data.container, Without stopping the entire supply system.

“The livestock department will now spend 50 to 80 million yuan in the poultry part of the system. The next step will be to adjust consumer behavior. If the implementation of RFID is completed, the government will encourage consumers to choose certified animal foods for purchase. “Mr. Yukol said.

Today’s information technology has played a pivotal role in the entire country’s economic system. In Thailand’s national animal identification system, several major companies in Thailand are assisting government departments to promote the application of RFID technology in the field of animal food traceability. With the continuous development of technology, the application of electronic label identification technology will be more advanced and perfect.



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