Large warehouse wireless information management solution

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Intec warehouse management solutions optimize raw material handling, workflow and finished product inventory, resulting in improvements in productivity, accuracy, profitability and customer service. You can improve the efficiency of inventory management, accurately understand customer needs, and improve its effectiveness by reducing inventory, reducing space requirements, and providing productivity.

Large warehouse wireless information management solution


MC909X-K rugged handheld mobile computer

This device provides advanced data collection and integrated wireless WAN/LAN/PAN functions for realizing voice and data connections at any time and any place.

MC70 handheld mobile computer

By connecting mobile phones,PDA, Computers, scanners and imagers are combined into a single rugged device, and your business becomes a mobile business.

ML910™ durable portable computer

This rugged laptop can meet the needs of military and public safety users, and its structure allows it to perform well in harsh environments.


Reduce transportation costs

With our solutions, you can achieve more effective cargo replacement and faster cargo sorting.

Automatic tracking

You can also automate component tracking and sorting, enabling employees to process component orders faster.

Achieve optimal inventory management and minimize management expenses

Maintain inventory just enough to fulfill orders and meet replenishment requirements in a timely manner, thereby reducing labor and storage costs.

Remain competitive

Only need to pay the cost of the parts sold to the supplier instead of the cost of storing the parts, which can save costs and benefit customers.



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