Mobile computing solution for Shanghai Al Fadi warehouse
Due to the characteristics of logistics and warehousing applications, most of the operation sites are widely distributed, some are outdoors, the indoor space layout is complicated, and the network layout and equipment installation are inconvenient. The collection, storage, calculation and even encryption and decryption of RFID data require the cooperation of smart handheld devices.
Scheme composition
1. Basic functions
Use long-distance electronic tags, equipped with smart handsets to complete the following functions: storage confirmation, storage confirmation, warehouse transfer, inventory confirmation
2. System introduction
1. System composition
1) Hardware structure
The hardware system consists of a management system server, a management system workstation, a handheld device cradle, an RFID handheld device, a barcode printer, and an RFID tag. Among them, the RFID handheld device is responsible for collecting data (supporting barcode collection and RFID tag collection); the handheld device cradle transmits the collected data to the management system; the barcode printer completes the printing of the goods code.
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2) Software structure
The software structure of the system is composed of a back-end management information system, a front-end handheld system, a communication transmission system and a print drive system in the middle layer. The back-end management information system is responsible for the management and control of the entire warehousing system; the handheld system completes the sorting of collected data, format conversion and the execution of special business processing strategies; the communication transmission system completes the transmission and control of data from the handheld device to the back-end management information system Format matching; the print drive system provides the function of driving and controlling the bar code printer for the back-end management information system (if necessary).
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2. System advantages
1) Advantages of better and more precise location management
2) Stronger inventory control advantage
3) Refined management, higher management and operation efficiency
4) Innovative warehouse applications have greatly improved the current business processes and manual operations