Research on Tobacco Distribution Management of Yuyan Logistics

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my country is the world’s largest producer and consumer of tobacco. In the past, due to non-WTO membership and the country’s industrial policy, my country’s tobacco industry has effectively avoided the occupation of the domestic market by foreign tobacco giants through “administrative monopoly”. However, with my country’s accession to the WTO, the reduction of tariffs on tobacco products, the relaxation of quotas and license controls, and the abolition of tobacco products, a large number of foreign tobacco products have flooded into my country, and my country’s tobacco market is facing fierce competition and challenges from foreign tobacco giants. In recent years, building a modern customer-oriented market-oriented logistics model and vigorously developing cigarette distribution logistics have become an important part of my country’s tobacco industry to actively promote internal restructuring and corporate restructuring.

The process design and planning of the cigarette distribution logistics system is a significant task for the Chinese tobacco industry in the face of the competitive pressure brought by the entry of foreign cigarettes. It requires the cooperation of cigarette distribution and logistics system personnel and logistics design researchers. Explored and explored.

Yiyu Tobacco Logistics, a logistics branch of Chongqing Tobacco Company, has taken the lead in implementing an integrated management system for the tobacco industry and has taken the lead in the domestic tobacco distribution industry. But they are also working tirelessly to further improve the efficiency of cigarette logistics operations, reduce logistics operating costs, and improve service levels.

1 Main problems in cigarette distribution

At present, Yuyan Logistics divides the covered delivery area into several areas. Each area is divided into different delivery routes and corresponding delivery groups. Each group has a relatively fixed delivery area and customers. , Is conducive to communication with customers, and each delivery line has a fixed delivery date (specific to a fixed day of each week).

The logistics company sorts according to the customer’s order. After the sorting is completed, each customer’s goods are individually packaged with transparent heat shrinkable film, and then the packaged goods are sent to the designated area for laser coding. The coding equipment will spray each customer’s code on the package, so that the customer and the goods can be matched one by one during delivery. Coding is the last link in the tobacco warehouse. After completion, it will be transported to the outside of the warehouse in a cage by a dedicated personnel to be handed over to the delivery personnel, and finally the delivery personnel will load the truck and deliver it to the customer. The specific distribution process is shown in Figure 1:

In March 2010, the following two survey methods were used to investigate Yuyan Logistics: ① Eight districts of the main city (Yuzhong District, Dadukou District, Jiangbei District, Shapingba District, Jiulongpo District, Nan’an District, Yubei District, 2100 customers in Banan District) visited and surveyed; ② Followed the delivery vehicle survey. Through research, it is found that the tobacco company has the following specific problems in the distribution of cigarettes:

(1) Different degrees of cargo packaging deformation. In the survey, it was found that 52 customers reported that the packaging was deformed. Packing damage caused by improper strength in stacking and handling by unloading workers from the time of tobacco delivery to loading. At present, the tobacco industry implements independent packaging for each customer’s goods. Compared with the previous carton packaging, the current heat shrinkable film packaging has a significant effect on reducing tobacco errors, but the shrinkage of the heat shrinkable film used for packaging is limited, which leads to the arrangement of goods Not tight, collisions and squeezing between the individual tobacco rods, resulting in deformation of the package. At the same time, insufficient thickness of the heat-shrinkable film and man-made damage during loading are also causes that cannot be ignored for packaging extrusion deformation.

(2) Home delivery failed to be fully implemented. In the survey, it was found that tobacco sales customers (hereinafter referred to as “customers) have different understandings on the delivery of goods: large customers such as supermarkets require delivery to their homes, while small and medium-sized customers also hope that the goods can be delivered to their homes due to their own personnel restrictions. However, in the actual distribution process, due to the impact of objective factors such as traffic control and the customer’s geographic location, it cannot be fully satisfied. The survey found that 15 customers are dissatisfied with this situation.

(3) Delivery time is delayed. In the survey, it was found that 29 customers reported frequent delivery delays. At present, tobacco companies are organized by the logistics centers of various tobacco companies to automatically sort according to orders and households. After the sorting is completed, they will be sealed and packaged according to the orders and households, and sealed with labels, and the customer’s name and delivery will be indicated on the label. Marking of quantity, variety, etc. A delay in one of the links will affect the time of tobacco delivery, which will affect the timeliness of delivery of the goods. In addition, delays in loading and departure, vehicle failures, and delays in loading of special-shaped cigarettes will affect the delivery time of the goods. The accuracy of the impact.

(4) There is an error in delivery. The proportion of goods with errors is as high as 7.2. In the entire sorting process, sorting equipment is used for sub-packing and packaging. If the equipment fails, it may cause sub-packing errors. In the delivery process, due to the negligence of the personnel, sometimes there may be errors in picking up the goods during the handover.

(5) Lack of good communication with customers. Delivery personnel have heavy tasks, are eager to complete tasks, hardly communicate with customers, and sometimes have a bad attitude when goods are handed over. Therefore, customers cannot get timely answers when they have questions, and their satisfaction drops. The investigation found that 81 customers had never called the company’s complaint consultation telephone, which caused a poor communication channel. Among them, 6 customers did not know the complaint consultation telephone number. Among the customers who knew the complaint telephone number, there were still 10 customers who did not make the call. They thought it was too much trouble and could not solve the corresponding problem.

2 Solutions to cigarette distribution logistics problems

Since the tobacco industry implemented a system of separation of industry and commerce, new business operation models have achieved brilliant results in tobacco companies. However, due to the particularity of tobacco products, the country’s restrictions on the tobacco industry and the continuous improvement of the market system, the tobacco industry will face fierce competition. In the increasingly severe market competition environment, it is imperative to reform the distribution process of the tobacco industry. In response to the main problems currently occurring in the distribution of cigarettes, the following measures are proposed:

(1) Improve loading technology or deal with the interior of the delivery vehicle to reduce damage to the packaging. Before the introduction of new loading and unloading technologies and methods, strengthen on-site management, standardize loading and unloading actions, and purchase buffer equipment to solve the problem of cigarette damage caused by cargo squeezing. Buffering equipment is installed in the delivery vehicle to reduce the impact of the vehicle on the tobacco during driving, thereby reducing the damage to the tobacco.

(2) Implement home delivery work based on actual conditions and include it in performance appraisal. If the demand for home delivery cannot be met due to traffic control and other reasons, we will actively communicate with customers to minimize the labor cost for customers to pick up the goods.

(3) Strengthen equipment maintenance and inspection, and regularly maintain vehicles. Regular maintenance and inspection of sorting, coding and other equipment ensure that cigarettes can be delivered on time; regular maintenance of vehicles can reduce the failure rate of vehicles in the delivery process, thereby achieving stability and timeliness of delivery time. If there is a change in the delivery time, the delivery personnel should use their free time to inform the customer as much as possible in advance, and do the corresponding explanation when it is delivered to the customer.

(4) The delivery team should actively solve the problem of errors in delivery. The customer will be replaced in time for the errors caused by the error of the sorting equipment; each delivery group shall bear the joint responsibility for the errors caused by the negligence of the personnel, and take the initiative to retrieve the goods for the customers.

(5) Create a communication and coordination platform with customers to collect a lot of information and improve services. You can listen to customers’ opinions and suggestions by creating customer and employee suggestion boxes, holding regular communication and coordination meetings with customers, and setting up customer service staff to answer the phone. Increase the publicity of customer error handling procedures, complaints, and consultation calls. For example, publicity cards printed with error handling procedures, complaints, and consultation calls and the “Customer Suggestions and Opinion Form” can be issued to customers, and customers can fill in “Customer Suggestion and Opinion Form” and telephone and other methods to communicate.

(6) Strengthen the training of delivery personnel to improve their service awareness and operation skills. Training on standardized delivery procedures and route optimization under the GIS system; training on the use and maintenance of navigation terminal equipment to further improve the route optimization under the GIS system and replace better terminal equipment. For the current problems, the employees should obtain the understanding and support, and provide corresponding solutions in time to ensure that the goods are delivered to the customers on time.

3 Conclusion

Logistics is an important part of enterprise production and operation. From the observation of the actual process of world logistics operation, with the improvement of production technology and the strengthening of internal management methods, the space for enterprises to reduce costs in the controllable production process is getting smaller and smaller. However, there is great potential in warehousing, packaging, distribution and other links. At the same time, in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the market, companies must have a corresponding level of customer service.

This research is based on the above point of view, through the understanding and analysis of the current situation of the distribution link, to find out the existing problems, and propose improvement plans on the basis of the current situation, to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and improving the level of distribution services.

With the successful implementation of the new cigarette distribution logistics process, the logistics operation efficiency of the tobacco industry enterprises in my country’s provinces and cities will inevitably be greatly improved. Logistics operation costs will continue to decrease, and the overall competitiveness of my country’s tobacco industry will be further enhanced.



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